Ministry of Interior Circular Removing the PCR Test Requirement

17 January 2022

A circular was sent to 81 provincial governorships on January 15, 2022 by the Ministry of Interior regarding the PCR test requirement ("Circular"). In the Circular which was stated to have been prepared within the framework of the recommendation of the Ministry of Health Coronavirus Scientific Committee regarding the recent course of the coronavirus and its impact on public health, it was stated that there is no need to apply a PCR test to those who are unvaccinated or did not complete the vaccination process.

Accordingly, there is no PCR test requirement anymore for those who are not vaccinated or have not completed the vaccination process and have not had the disease in the last 180 days;

  • Before intercity travels by plane, bus, train or other public transportation vehicles,
  • Before attending events such as concerts, cinema and theater,
  • For the personnel working in the schools of the Ministry of National Education (teachers, bus drivers, cleaning personnel, etc.)
  • For employees in all public and private workplaces,
  • For persons who will participate in student camps organized by public and private institutions.
The Circular was rearranged on 16.01.2022 in accordance with the evaluations of the Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Public Health to clear up certain misunderstandings. Accordingly, PCR test requirement will continue for:

  • the employees of old age asylums, nursing homes, love homes and prisons and detention houses,
  • detainees and convicts in prisons and detention houses in specified cases,
  • people who will travel abroad (in line with the rules determined by the country of travel)
  • people who are not vaccinated or who have not completed the vaccination process and who have not had the disease in the last 180 days when travelling via domestic flights.
Should you have any enquires on the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to assist.

Kind regards,
Güner Law Office